Friday, May 27, 2011

Trip advisor

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009


How to loosen up to strengthen relationships

At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 9-year-old baseball players aside and asked, 'Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?'

The little player nodded in the affirmative.

'Do you understand that what matters most is that we win or lose together as a team?'

The player nodded 'yes'.
'So,' the coach continued, 'I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a "pecker-head". Do you understand all that?' The player nodded 'yes' again.

The coach continued, 'And when I take you out of the game so a teammate gets a chance to play, it's not good sportsmanship to throw things at me or call me 'a dumb ass' is it?'
The player agreed: 'NO'.
'GOOD', said the coach.
'Now go over there and explain that to your GRANDMOTHER.'

Being the social chairman at an engineering fraternity is like ...
1) This might be easer to explain using a vin chart.
 Everything I'm going to talk about today, you already know. I'm just going to remind you and take a deeper look into each of these topics. It's like looking into your neighbors window with a pair of binoculars and today we're going to use a telescope.

Lighten up
Be your authentic self
Listen like your life depended on it.

Working with IBM on behalf of the post office
Detroit Post Office
Key West Post Office
Pensacola Post Office
That lady is FAT
Mom's memory test story
Dad in Destin with Josh
Willy Sutton Smile and Gun
Chicago Hotdog Stand
Falling in Lake
Waverly Hotel
Will these sox shrink
Signage: Proctologist, Eye doctor (if you don't see what you're looking for), Maternity room, Vets office, Ozarks, a flush beats a full house, 
Delta Airline story: faster than a scalded dog. Faster than a catfish at a family reunion
She is going to NY, but her luggage is going to El Paso

Last words
Oscar Wild
Marco Polo

How we respond to running water
Crota story by Jim Dale
Josh with dishwasher
America's Funniest Videos
the toilet's empty now
Dante's inferno
12% of Americans think Joan of Arc was Noah's wife
It's not what you do or say that people will remember, it's how you make them feel.
It's better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt: attributed to Abe Lincoln
We need to be reminded a lot more than we need to be instructed by Samuel Johnson (A Dictionary of the English Language (1755). This was the first major dictionary of English)
Planet Fitness: What time did I get here? Furniture disease
Your best friend was once a stranger
Admitting you've been a jerk is the first step to recovery
If you're a certified jerk, you need help, but don't come to me I don't want anything to do with you.

On the one side you have hi, Mr. Jones. Good to see you again. Grab a seat. Is there anything I can get for you before we begin.
On the other side, you have a human